Friday, May 08, 2015

So Dementia is a Diagnosis

So Dementia is a diagnosis

It started out slowly. "I can't smell. ". A child like sentence but accurate in ability. No longer could I detect or enjoy the sent of flowers while bending over my flower bed.  I remember the aroma of rich dirt.  Pulling weeds out of my tulip bed , root and all,  gave me joy.  Snow kept the flower bed safe from the coldest temperatures and moistened the dirt and flowers as Spring announced it's arrival.

No alarm, this change of no sent would pass.. I imagined that I was starting a cold.  "I can't smell" stayed. OK, odd but I was too busy for such a small change.

Musical and reading music was shocking. Sunday afternoons  playing hymns sung during church was difficult than impossible. Math was frustrating.  Neccessary physics formulas

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