Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thomas Daily

I was bored. My physics class students were bored and boring. I needed a change. How was I to find change while living and working in a village, population 705. 

Friday entertainment always meant a party at one house on another. Alcoholism was widespread in the town. I joined in self-medicating.

After warming up, past a couple of  beers, a few of us looked through VHS movie tapes.  . Green Beret-John Wayne was popped in the vidio player.   We moved the couch front row seating style. All that was missing was the pop corn.

John Wayne made that movie ! He was a tough, corageous, hard character. I sat up straight, watching and thinking. Once the song Ballad of the Green Berets finish the movie I had the answer to my boredom, Special Forces.

After talking with a recruiter I looked eagerly to training. My college football muscles got a little week teaching and drinking. All that had to be done was wakup the muscles and train !

Adventure, risk, bravo, and kinship with my team replaced the chalkboard and fellow teachers. Each assignment meant adrenalin rush with each overseas assignment.

How did a local county traffic accident finish me. Why not a firefight with men bent on killing me.

I lay here a disappointed man.  Death after a traffic accident does not sit well. I am back to a boring hand that was dealt.

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